AI Meets Baroque Poetry

Evelyn Galindo
2 min readMar 28, 2024

When you can use AI to create a modern Nike inspired hoodie habit for Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, things get interesting

As someone deeply in love with the stories and voices of Spanish literature, and having spent years sharing this passion as an AP Spanish Literature teacher, I’ve always been on the lookout for fresh ways to bring these age-voices closer to our students. Now, with the world of technology evolving so rapidly, I’ve found exciting new tools that have sparked some pretty fun ideas for the classroom and beyond.

Bringing Sor Juana Into the 21st Century:

When you can use AI to create a modern Nike inspired hoodie habit for Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, things get interesting. If you haven’t heard of Sor Juana, she is an icon of Spanish Baroque literature and was a fierce advocate for women’s education. This wasn’t just about giving Sor Juana a “digital makeover” but about making the story and achievements of a 17th century nun more tangible and relatable to today’s students. It’s amazing how a new image can spark curiosity about history and literature in a way that words sometimes can’t.

Poetry with TTS

Alongside the image, I explored text-to-speech technology to bring one of Sor Juana’s poems to life. This was all about making her words accessible to everyone, especially for students who might struggle with reading or simply prefer listening. It’s been a game-changer in thinking about how we can all experience and enjoy literature, no matter our learning preferences.

Mixing Old With New

This project has been a journey back to Spanish literature, blending my love for these classic writers with my excitement about what technology can do for education today. It’s been a reminder that learning doesn’t have to be stuck in one mode or another; it can be a vibrant mix of the past and the future.

It’s my hope that by mixing the old with the new, we can inspire a whole new generation to fall in love with literature.. Here’s to more experimenting, learning, and growing together!

#SpanishLiterature #TechInClass #EducationInnovation #LifelongLearning

